Sound Healing
The World of Sound TherapyDeep relaxation is one of the most significant and universal benefits of sound therapy. Sound healing has mental and physical health benefits in improving mood and reducing stress. When we are ill, our cells are out of sync. Sound therapy has the ability to identify these out of tune frequencies and when these sounds, or frequencies, are introduced back into our body, our brain then can send these “in tune”, or corrected frequencies to the damaged cells to help facilitate healing.

Stress – The Silent Killer
Have you noticed that our mind is always full of thoughts? An average person has about 70,000 thoughts per day. Thoughts have frequencies and create waves. They transform into feelings and emotions. When the mind experiences negative thoughts, they create emotional stress due to negative frequencies.
This stress accumulates over time and manifests physically into diseases and disorders. We all know that stress wreaks havoc in our lives, resulting in depression and anxiety. This contributes to all major illnesses in the world, like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, migraine, psychosomatic pains, organ dysfunction, etc. We enter a state called vibrational imbalance.
If the body is the physical manifestation of the formless mind and soul that completes our existence, then it is essential to nourish ourselves at physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels for holistic living and well-being.
Healing Instruments
Cellular health through Sound Healing isn’t a new concept. Sound has an ancient kinship with meditation and healing. Our Vedic masters, ancient Egyptians, Australian aborigines, Tibetan monks and native American Shamans have used this science of external vibrations to restore the internal rhythms of the body.
From mantra chanting and blowing of the conch to bells or gongs in places of worships, or Himalayan singing bowls, there’s evidence of some form of sound healing in spiritual and religious ceremonies for invoking the divine and warding off negative energies in every culture around the world.
Why Sound Healing?
Our thoughts create a physiological effect in our body. Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency because thoughts are also sound waves. Sound therapy is being used in Integrative Medicine, as the rhythmic sound waves from the healing instruments induce a meditative state in people resulting in a calming state of mind. Studies have shown people to have gone through spiritually uplifting experiences with sound meditation.

Secrets of Sound Healing
By harnessing the power of cosmic sound vibrations through the Himalayan Singing Bowls, you can enable relaxation and rejuvenation within you, a modality of healing and wellness that is ancient, holistic and scientific. The uniqueness lies in its non-invasiveness and ability to heal your body at a cellular level that strengthens the mind and enables emotional stability in individuals.I am sure you would agree that apart from the resources like ’time’ and ‘infrastructure’ it is the ‘people’ of an organisation that drive the mission. Yet the numerous visible and invisible stress inducers around us come in the way of that very crucial resource.Sound Meditation or Sound Healing though ancient methods, is now being our saviour in not only bringing us health benefits scientifically but also uplifting our mood, reducing anxiety, calming our nervous system by entraining our brainwaves. That’s why Group Sound Meditation Programs for employees are a way towards ensuring wellness and positive energy at workplaces contributing to enhanced productivity and team bonding.When you gift such a session to your teams, you stand to gain a lot, as the sound vibrations effortlessly induce a meditative state cleansing and detoxing not only the participants but also the electromagnetic fields at workplaces. It’s all about energy, atoms, frequency and vibrational balance. At an organisational level, clients can gradually witness the workplace atmosphere improve due to collective wellness that is a combination of psychological, mental, emotional and physical health of each individual.
Sound Healing Experiences